Promoting sound water policy for Texas

Upcoming events

    • October 23, 2024
    • 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Padre Park & Acequia Park

    Kayak Trash Cleanup on the Mission Reach (Land-Based Trash Cleanup also available)

    Date, Time & Meeting Place: Wednesday, October 23 | 8:30am-1pm - Meet in the San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter lobby at 8:30am for a 9am departure. As a group, we will carpool to Padre Park, drop off the kayakers, and then proceed to Acequia Park for those who wish to pick up trash on land along the Mission Reach trail. There are limited spots for kayaks, so make sure you register early. See map with park locations here.

    Project description: We are partnering with the San Antonio River Authority to clean up trash along the Mission Reach trail. Participants can choose to clean up trash via kayak or by land. Bags, trash pickers, and gloves will be provided. We encourage land-based clean up volunteers to bring a hat, sunscreen, and clothing that will provide sun protection. Kayakers should wear clothing and shoes that can get wet. Boxed lunches will be provided following the clean up. Thank you to San Antonio River Authority staff for hosting, and TWCA's Membership & Services Committee for their work to organize this awesome volunteer event!

    Please complete this form if you are interested in participating in the volunteer project. Reach out to Jessica King if you have any questions.


October 23-25, 2024 | TWCA Fall Conference - San Antonio, Texas

TWCA | 4401 Westgate Blvd., Ste 320, Austin, Texas 78745  I  (512) 472-7216

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