Promoting sound water policy for Texas

We look forward to welcoming attendees to the TWCA 2024 Fall Conference, held from October 23-25 in San Antonio. Conference registration is now live, and early bird rates expire on September 30

Room Block.Our hotel block at the San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter is now full. Suggested hotels with available rooms include the Menger Hotel (.2 miles from the Rivercenter), Hotel Contessa (.4 miles away), and the Embassy Suites San Antonio Riverwalk Downtown Hotel (.7 miles away). If you would like to be placed on our waitlist for a hotel room at the Marriott Rivercenter, please fill out our formIn the event that you need to cancel a room, please email Lisa Henley before canceling so she can transfer your room to someone else. 

Sponsor. Conference sponsorship opportunities are available here.

Speakers and Schedule. We’re excited to welcome our keynote speakers, with more speakers and a complete schedule available here.

TWCA Fall Conference Keynote Speakers: 

Preliminary Schedule:  

  • M&S Volunteer Cleanup ProjectOur M&S service project will be a kayak and land-based cleanup of the Mission Reach section of the San Antonio Riverwalk. Sign up here. Thank you to San Antonio River Authority for hosting us! 
  • Golf Tournament: Our fall golf tournament will again be at the Brackenridge Park Golf Course. Sign up here. 
  • We will again have our Membership & Services speed networking and reception on Wednesday afternoon/evening.  
  • On Thursday, we will host alternating panel meetings and our new Grab ‘N Go Breakfast in the morning, with speaker sessions continuing throughout the day.  
  • The Board meeting will be held Thursday afternoon.  
  • As always, we will have our Thursday evening reception as well as our Networking Breakfast Friday morning.
  • We will again hold Water Quality, Federal Affairs, and Endangered Species committee meetings and related speaker sessions on Friday morning. 
Thank you to everyone who attended the 2023 TWCA Fall Conference. You can find presentations, CLE credits, and photos from the 2023 TWCA Fall Conference here.

Thank you to our sponsors!

Friday Morning Breakfast

Wednesday Membership & Services Reception

Thursday Evening Networking Reception

Thursday Grab 'N Go Breakfast

Networking Break - Coffee

Networking Break - Ice Cream Treats

Name Badge Sponsor


Charging Station

Conference Programs

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Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

TWCA | 4401 Westgate Blvd., Ste 320, Austin, Texas 78745  I  (512) 472-7216

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