Promoting sound water policy for Texas


TWCA has a robust committee framework. Much of the association's legislative and policy work happens through these committees. Except for our Policy Committee and Executive Committee, all committees are open to the full membership. 

Committees (Open to All Members):

Legislative Committee

Chairs: Matt Phillips and Michael Turco

This 150+ member committee works in advance of the Texas Legislative Session to develop consensus legislation and positions on Texas water issues. The committee heavily utilizes a subcommittee process and all bills or positions that come to the board from the committee must achieve a 90% consensus rate among voting committee members. 

Federal Affairs Committee

Chair: Amy Stelter

Works to understand federal actions and legislation that may impact Texas water resource management, identify federal priorities of the membership, and build relationships with the Texas Congressional delegation.

Endangered Species Committee 

Chair: Glenn Clingenpeel

Works to understand and/or mitigate the impacts of endangered and threatened species listings on water supplies and associated public utilities and services. 

Membership & Services Committee

Chair: Connie Curtis

Welcomes new members, assists in planning conferences, and helps staff with communication and outreach to members.

Water Laws Committee

Chair: Paulina Williams

Informs the membership about new developments in water law and other laws of interest; provides recommendations regarding TWCA’s participation in lawsuits or other disputes; provides legal expertise to the TWCA when developing policy positions; and provides ongoing legal education to the membership.

Water Quality Committee

Chair: Nathan Vassar

Informs the membership about key water quality issues, including water quality standards, drinking water, stormwater, and wastewater. The committee also engages state and federal agencies implementing water quality regulations on behalf of the Association. 

TWCA | 4401 Westgate Blvd., Ste 320, Austin, Texas 78745  I  (512) 472-7216

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