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Policy Committee

Chair: Dan Buhman

Provides direction to the board on substantive policies regarding Texas water management. The board’s adopted policies originate at the Policy Committee, and any amendments to those policies must be routed through a formal process at the committee before being considered by the board. Made up of two members appointed by each panel chair, the chair of each standing committee, as well as a number of presidential appointments.

Policy Documents

Current TWCA Policy Document: This document describes the purposes, general policies, and state positions of the Texas Water Conservation Association.

Policy Committee Protocols: This document outlines the procedures by which the above document may be amended.

Policy Committee Review Schedule: This document provides a schedule for reviewing the policy document and ensuring it reflects TWCA's current positions.

2024 Section Review Document. In 2024, the Policy Committee is reviewing the General Policy Section and Sections 1-3.

Committee Roster

Roster as Of March 2024

TWCA | 4401 Westgate Blvd., Ste 320, Austin, Texas 78745  I  (512) 472-7216

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